Saturday, January 15, 2011

Senior Picture Shoot

This was so much fun for me! I haven't done many Senior shoots and to shoot a guy that is also a football stuff!! I loved being on the open football field - there is something so serene about it! And we did some with his girlfriend which were super cute, too!

Fall 2010

These were taken at Maple Hill Cemetary in the peak of the fall season! The color was amazing!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I love this family!! Sweet friends of ours and J is our trusty babysitter! I had so much fun with these about personality plus! :)

Fall Family Photos 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gift from Above

This newborn shoot was SO special to me! This little princess was adopted by a sweet couple friend of ours who has been praying and anticipating her arrival for a long time! It is their first sweet baby and I was so excited to meet her! She is truly a gift from God!!

In Color

Some of my favorite Fall shots!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Swim Team Photos

I was asked to do the SJST Swim Team Photos this year! This is my girls first year on the team and we have really enjoyed getting to know everyone. I can't say enough about Coach Glenn Carr. He is a wonderful man who has such a passion for working with these kids! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with the team, too!

**I donate a portion of the proceeds back to your team/club/organization to show my appreciation for the opportunity to support the local community!**